Membership at Wanaka Yacht Club offers many benefits, including:
- Well organised club racing on Thursdays. Twilight racing in the spring and summer months
- Sunday afternoon Teams Sailing and Fleet racing. Bring your own boat or use a club boat if you are a member. All members welcome.
- Being part of a community of active sailors of all ages
- Access to well established and experienced sailing instruction from Yachting New Zealand-qualified coaches
- Develop essential and valuable life skills such as decision-making, sportsmanship, discipline, independence, quick-thinking, leadership, fitness, communication, goal-setting and determination
- Access to club facilities and resources such as:
- Club support boats
- Experienced support crew and race management skills and personnel
- Opportunity to learn how to provide on and off-water support for our junior classes
- Club rooms
- Boat yard and boat storage areas
- Centreboard dinghy wash-down facilities
- After race social
Membership Categories, Race Fees and Boat Parking Conditions
Senior If you are over 18 years old no longer at school or in Tertiary Education this is for you. This will allow you to register a boat for Twilight sailing series and any YNZ events/races.
Family This membership gives you and your family (partner and any of your children under 18 as at 1 August of the current sailing season) membership to the Wanaka Yacht Club and allows you to register a boat for any Wanaka yacht club races or any YNZ events.
Crew As a crew/associate member you are eligible to crew on a boat registered by a full member and are welcome in our clubrooms.This membership is a minimum requirement for Adults in the Learn to Sail program. This membership does not allow for any voting rights and you will not be eligible for boat parking.
Junior & LTS We offer a special rate for youngsters who are intending to participate in Twilight Sailing, YNZ events and Regattas. NB if you are just doing LTS lessons you do not need to be a WYC member.
Twilight Racing: Race fees for Thursday twilight racing cover Spring and Summer series. Please note this does NOT include race fees for any other events such as the New Year Regatta. Each boat entered in the Twilight Series must have Race Fees paid for by a Full Member. (i.e Senior, Family or Junior Members)
Parking: You must be a full member to apply for boat parking. Due to demand exceeding supply, the committee has adopted the following guidelines in relation to boat parking.
- Priority will be given to active members of the club. An active member does not necessarily mean they need to race on Thursdays but they must participate in CLUB activities, e.g. learn to sail, coaching, administration, etc.
- No parking of empty trailers. If you boat is normally kept on a mooring and you only need a park for the winter, please negotiate to share with someone that takes their boat home for the winter.
- Trailers must be movable. Trailers must be kept in such a condition as to be movable. Please ensure you keep the grass underneath tidy.
- Boats must be identifiable. Your boat must be easily identifiable, preferably by either a name or number.
- Boats must be kept in a tidy condition. The club is entering a phase of redevelopment that will rely heavily on public opinion. Scruffy boats do not make a good impression with the general public.
- Parking spaces do not come with any right of renewal. If the committee feels you have not meet the above conditions then your parking may not be renewed or in extreme cases may be cancelled.
The committee understands that there are those that love to sail but cannot make Thursday evening sailing or commit time to other club activities. However, there is very limited parking space available and the strength of the club relies on active member participation so we need to do all we can to support our active members.
Fees for 2024/25 Season
Senior $250.00
Family $290.00
Crew/Associate $60.00
Junior $50.00
Season Race Fees TBA
Boat Parking TBA
Trailer Sailers TBA
Centre Boarders TBA